#WildlifeCrime Has Consequences! Revoke Walter Palmer's Dental License.

  • van: Ali Van Zee
  • ontvanger: Minnesota Board of Dentistry

Walter James Palmer of Bloomington, MN (River Bluff Dentistry) has disgraced himself worldwide with his killing of #CecilTheLion Although claiming innocence in that he was unaware Cecil was a "beloved lion" or that he was collared, Palmer nonetheless condoned the baiting of this magnificent animal to lure him away from Hwange Sanctuary where he was protected. Further, Palmer, a self-professed "expert" bow hunter, wounded Cecil who was tortured and in agony for forty hours before Palmer finally shot him. In a final contemptible act, Palmer and his guides beheaded Cecil, skinned him and dumped his body to be finished off by other animals. He condoned the tampering with Cecil's collar in an attempt to hide evidence. Palmer has had run-ins with the United States Fish and Wildlife Services to whom he lied about poaching a black bear in Wisconsin and was charged with a Felony. In addition, he has paid a large settlement to an employee to quell charges of sexual harassment. In an on-camera interview conducted by a local Fox News station covering protests outside Palmer's office, a former patient disclosed his reason for no longer going to Palmer's practice: questionable billing practices. We, the undersigned, feel Walter James Palmer needs to be held accountable for these and other actions which do not reflect the standards of ethics of the Board of Dentistry and ask that his license to practice Dentistry be permanently revoked.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Hello #WildlifeWarriors Thank you all for signing this petition to hold #WalterPalmer accountable for #wildlifecrimes Please continue to share so we can grow the numbers. I want to show the Minnesota Board of Dentistry that an overwhelming number of people agree that #WildlifeCrimeHasConsequences !! I appreciate all of you and am grateful for your support in this effort. We're doing this for #Cecil and ALL wildlife!
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