You could be owed £300 if you bought goods from shops accepting Mastercard

The biggest consumer claim in UK legal history could mean 46 million shoppers are owed up to £14 billion. Mastercard is accused of charging shops and supermarkets unlawfully high fees for processing Mastercard payments, which resulted in higher prices on goods and services.

Shoppers in the UK could each be owed up to £300 for simply buying goods and services from shops and supermarkets over a 16 year period from 1992 to 2008. This applies whether you paid by cash, cheque, debit card or credit card.

Mastercard is accused of charging unlawful fees on transactions processed during this time. More than half a million businesses in the UK that accepted Mastercard payments are said to have passed these fees onto consumers by charging more for goods and services.

Consumer Voice is working to hold Mastercard accountable for charging unlawfully high fees that affected customers. Sign to stay updated and find out when you can file a claim.
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