Remove Michael Eavis and Rebecca Pow from their positions as Vice-Presidents at Somerset Wildlife Trust

Michael Eavis is the founder of 'Glastonbury Festival'. He is also a dairy farmer and an outspoken supporter of the unscientific badger cull. Bewilderingly, he has also been given a position of trust as 'Vice-President' at 'Somerset Wildlife Trust'.

He has previously stated that people are too 'sentimental' about badgers and recently branded animal rights campaigner and Queen guitarist, Brian May a 'prick', for denouncing the lack of scientific evidence supporting a cull.

Eavis has also spoken in favour of fox hunting, in 2005 he told the Guardian "I support the people who want to hunt".

Rebecca Pow is MP for Taunton Deane in Somerset. She also supports the badger cull and has released a statement on the subject on her website.

Badgers are a protected British species under the 'Badgers Act' (1992).

The first job of a Wildlife Trust should be to promote the beauty and wonder of the natural world, not to appoint advocates for its destruction to high-profile positions they do not deserve. 

If the public have no reason to care for the natural world, why would they feel a need to protect it? As Sir David Attenborough said "No one will protect what they don't care about, and no one will care about what they have never experienced".

Installing people with such views to such high-profile positions within the Trust, is a betrayal of paying members and counter-productive to the conservation movement and what a Wildlife 'Trust' should stand for.

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