Stop Killing Washington State's Wolves

Horrible news out of Washington state: Wildlife officials now have death warrants pending for members of two more wolf packs.

The death count just keeps getting higher. In late October state officials issued a kill warrant for the last adult and pup of the Old Profanity Territory pack. And last week they approved kill orders for wolves in the Smackout pack and the remaining mother wolf and two pups of the Togo pack.

More than 20 wolves have been slaughtered in the past six years — nearly all of them at the behest of the same rancher. Pups, mothers and fathers have been shot. Entire families destroyed.

This years-long killing-spree of endangered wolves has to stop.

Killing wolves is not just cruel and inhumane — it leads to more conflicts, breaks up wolf families and reduces social tolerance for wolves. The state agency's mission is to preserve and protect native wildlife, and it should be applying best available science to its on-the-ground wolf management activities.

Instead, Washington's cowardly state officials bow to the interests of the livestock industry by placing the industry's profits above the well-being of wildlife.

It's a bloody legacy that can't continue.

Sign the petition to tell Washington Governor Jay Inslee that the state must stop killing endangered wolves.
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