Stop a New Zealand University from Shooting Live Pigs in the Head

  • van: Jessica Ramos
  • ontvanger: New Zealand's University of Auckland

Graphic photos published in the Journal of Legal Medicine shocked animal advocates. New Zealand's own government funded cruel experiments on live pigs: 5 pigs were repeatedly shot in the head with a Glock semi-automatic handgun.

Why would researchers from the Institute of Environmental Science and Research, the University of Otago and the University of Auckland be so cruel to these pigs? They were studying blood, brain and bone splatter -- for humans!

The researchers insist that the pigs were sedated and "treated humanely," but what can be humane about shooting the world's fourth most intelligent creature on the planet in the head? Animal advocates not only argue that the experiment was inhumane but also unnecessary, especially because pigs aren't humans! Mannequins or computer modeling would've given researchers more accurate results and no pig would've been harmed.

The Institute of Environmental Science and Research and the University of Otago have agreed to stop these cruel pig experiments. Unfortunately, the University of Auckland has NOT agreed. Sign and share this petition urging the University of Auckland to use alternative research methods where no pigs are harmed. In 2015, pigs deserve better than to have their brains, blood and bones blown out.

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