We the undersigned request that the Mercury Blvd. Bridge entering Fort Monroe not be named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Fort Monroe has such a rich history, any naming of bridges, roads etc. associated with Fort Monroe should stay within the history of Fort Monroe, not outside of it. Dr. Martin Luther King was a great man but he is not part of any history to Fort Monroe. Seeing Dr. King's name represents civil rights as it should. A tourist on vacation when crossing that bridge to visit Historical Fort Monroe should see signs about the history of Fort Monroe.


City Hall
22 Lincoln Street March 23, 2016 at 6:00pm we will be presenting our signatures to the City of Hampton. Please feel free to join us. Also any letter or phone calls to City Council would be advantagious to the cause. 

Update #18 jaar geleden
Thank you all for signing this petition. Your input, is so much appreciated. All you help will be used as we move forward. This bridge enters Historic Fort Monroe, which is why we feel it is important to keep the naming of this bridge within the history of Fort Monroe.
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