Minnesota Taxpayers Demanding A Referendum Vote

Once again it is springtime in Minnesota, and once again stadium bills are sprouting up at the Capitol.  The sweet smell of taxpayer money is in the air; public money that will go greatly to increase the value of privately-held entertainment businesses.

The taxpayers of Minnesota have repeatedly told our politicians and the owners of professional sports teams, "We want the say in how our money is to be spent!  We want the referendum vote that is due us by law!"

Why does it seem that our elected officials are not listening to us? Why can't these team owners graciously accept our answer? Why do the professional sports businesses come back, year after year after year, looking to get around the law that requires a referendum vote?

Well, I have had enough.  I have had enough of not being listened to, and I have had enough of watching our elected officials waste their time, and our taxpayer money on their salaries, going over this issue again and again and again.

Are you are as fed up with all the shenanigans as I am?  Have you had enough of the lunacy that is passing for government in this state?

If so, here is your chance to help make an impact that will not go unnoticed.  Join me in demanding that "WE The People" are given the referendum vote that is required by law.

My goal is 350,000 signatures.

Ambitious? Yes indeed.

Obtainable? Certainly not outside the realm of possibility.

If approximately 10% of the total number of eligible voters in the State of Minnesota joins me, that goal can be reached. I just need one out of every ten of you to "step up to the plate."

And maybe 350,000 voices will finally be enough to make them listen.  Please be one of those voices.  Sign my petition and then ask everyone you know to do the same.

Thank you.

Dear Governor Pawlenty,

We, the undersigned Minnesota Taxpayers, demand that you, Tim Pawlenty, Governor of the State of Minnesota, VETO all stadium funding bills that do not allow us, the taxpayers, the right to vote for any sales tax increases.

This is what the law requires, and we demand that you uphold the law.

Thank you,

The Undersigned Taxpaying Citizens of The State of Minnesota

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