Stop and Defund the Genocidal Churches of Canada!

  • van: Brenda Hearst
  • ontvanger: Revenue Canada, Canadians and members of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada

The Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada are guilty of genocide, child rape, trafficking and killing, and money laundering for organized crime. Between them they killed more than 60,000 indigenous children in their "residential schools". These churches should not be taxpayer supported or receive any form of public funding, lest we collude in their crimes. We can stop their ongoing torture and murder of children by pulling the financial plug on their crimes today! (See


Issued to The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

and to the Department of National Revenue of the Government of Canada and to Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue

A Demand for the Nullification of Tax Exemption Status

of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada

LET IT BE KNOWN that We the People have become aware that the Corporations known as the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada (herein called "the Churches") have been and are engaged in activities and pursuing policies within Canada that disqualify them from receiving tax exempt charitable status under the laws of our Nation, and that constitute a Criminal Conspiracy under said laws and International Law, by engaging in the following:

  1. Gathering and utilizing revenue for purposes other than charitable works, relief of the needy or the advancement of religion, and thereby operating falsely and fraudulently as public charities;

  2. Gathering and utilizing revenue for overtly criminal purposes, including laundering money for organized crime, bribing and influencing public officials and trafficking and harming children, and actively concealing these offenses;

  3. Engaging historically in a regime and in proven acts of genocide, mass murder, child trafficking, rape, torture and murder and the theft of indigenous lands and customs, and in systematically concealing these crimes and obstructing justice, thereby constituting Criminal Organizations under domestic and International Law;

  4. Pursuing policies that subvert the laws of Canada and aid and abet the trafficking and harming of children, including the standing Vatican policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas (1929, 1962) and comparable statutes of the Anglican and United Church; and compelling that their employees and adherents engage in such criminal and treasonous behaviour, thereby constituting a Criminal Conspiracy against the laws and public order of Canada;

  5. Funding, associating with and swearing loyalty to the foreign Power known as the Vatican or Holy See, which has been criminally convicted in Public Tribunals of Conscience and Common Law courts as a Transnational Criminal Organization whose authority is nullified and whose revenues and assets can be lawfully seized under International Law (The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, November 15, 2000).

  6. Through these and other actions and policies, being part of a global criminal conspiracy and constituting a real, present and ongoing threat and danger to all children in Canada.

It is clear that the Churches are not only actively violating the statutory terms and conditions under which they are exempt from paying taxes in Canada but in so doing are systematically furthering criminal activity and treason in our Nation at the behest of a foreign Power. The Churches are doing so with the apparent compliance and collusion of the Department and Minister of National Revenue and the Canada Revenue Agency, who objectively can be considered to be accomplices in this Criminal Conspiracy.

Further, this Conspiracy by Church and State is subverting domestic laws by forcing all tax paying Canadians to assist in the establishment of the criminal works of the Churches in Canada, including through the channeling of Canadian tax revenue to the financial arm of a foreign Power, namely the Vatican Bank, by means of secret "Financial Concordat" agreements, without the knowledge or consent of the public.

THEREFORE, in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of Canada, and according to the Duty and Necessity of lawful action by the Public and the Government, We the Undersigned citizens of Canada do hereby petition and demand of the Minister of National Revenue and the Canada Revenue Agency the following:

  1. That the tax exempt, charitable status of the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican and United Church of Canada herewith be nullified and cancelled, along with all associated privileges and exemptions;

  2. That the properties, revenues and assets of these Churches be publicly audited and financially assessed, that any funds owed by these Churches to the People of Canada be expropriated according to the law, and that the Churches be regularly taxed on those assets like any other corporation; and

  3. That Canada Revenue and the Minister and Department of National Revenue discontinue their practice of aiding and abetting the Churches and their criminal activities, or face a Public Inquiry.

BE ADVISED BY THIS PETITION AND PUBLIC NOTICE that any failure by your agencies to act upon this Petition and the Laws and Constitution of Canada will compel We the People to take direct action to non-violently prevent the revenue-collection operations of the Churches as Transnational Criminal Organizations, as we are compelled to do under domestic and International Law and by the dictates of our Reason and Conscience according to Necessity.

Respectfully submitted and made public commencing on the Second Day of April in the year 2019.

Copies of this Petition and Notice have been issued to the federal Justice Department, the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Members of Parliament and the Senate, and the Prime Minister's Office.

(signatures and residences follow)

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