Pope Francis-please speak out against Toro Jubilo, festival where live bulls are set on fire.

On the second weekend in November, in the town of Medinaceli, in the province of Soria, Spain, balls of pitch will be stuck onto the horns of a bull and set on fire.The bull is then released onto the streets and can do nothing but run around in pain. The bull often smashes into walls in an attempt to douse the fire. The agony the bull must suffer is unimaginable. The bull burns alive for hours, while people run around him taunting and cheering. The burning bull is called "Toro de Fuego" (literally "bull on fire").

Your Holiness,

I am contacting you about an urgent matter, and asking that you speak out against a truly evil yearly event involving extreme and frivolous cruelty to an animal.

Every year in November the town of Medinaceli, in the province of Soria, Spain has a festival called “Toro Jubilo”.

On the second weekend in November, balls of pitch (a sticky black substance made from tar or turpentine) will once again be stuck onto the horns of a bull and set on fire. The burning bull is called "Toro de Fuego" (literally "bull on fire").

The bull is then released onto the streets and can do nothing but run around in pain. The bull often smashes into walls in an attempt to douse the fire. The agony the bull must suffer is unimaginable. These fiery balls can burn for hours, and they burn the bull's horns, body and eyes and cause tremendous stress – all while spectators cheer, shoot off firecrackers and run around the victim.

It's one of the most sadistic, cruel traditions on Earth, and is set to occur again this year. A young bull will be transported to the spot where he will be horrifically tortured for hours.

We beseech you to intervene and make a public statement condemning this horrific cruelty to an animal.

Respectfully and Sincerely,

Update #39 jaar geleden
If you are on Twitter - please send the following tweet to Pope Francis:

Holy Father, please speak out against Toro Jubilo, a Festival in Soria Spain, where a live bull is lit on fire. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/600/975/102/
Update #210 jaar geleden
To everyone who signed this petition:

Thanks for caring.

To do more:

Please post the link into Pope Francis's Facebook page. It will go in as "Posts to Page":


This is the address of the Facebook page where you should post:

Update #110 jaar geleden
Thanks to everyone who already signed my petition.

Could you help me reach my goal by e-mailing, tweeting and sharing on Facebook? I will be closing the petition on October 26.
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