Stop Anti-Abortion Vigilante

  • van:
  • ontvanger: New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman Wayne MacDonald
Republican Sheriff candidate Frank Szabo indicated that he would not rule out the use of deadly force to prevent an abortion from taking place. He has since apologized for his statement, but still claims, "If someone is seeking an elective abortion and certainly a late term abortion, certainly I would arrest them."

Doctors and patients should never feel threatened--especially by a county Sheriff--when carrying out or receiving a legal procedure. A sheriff's duty is to enforce laws, not break them in the name of personal motives.

Szabo's promise to arrest people who are not breaking the law completely contradicts the duties of a sheriff. It's ludicrous that patients and doctors have to fear law enforcement arresting them for legal procedures that law officials deem "immoral." Elective abortions do not violate any laws, they just violate Szabo's point of view.

Don't let Szabo use the Hillsboro County Sheriff position as a vehicle for his radical, vigilante platform!
Dear New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman Wayne MacDonald,

Preventing Sheriff candidate Frank Szabo from running for Hillsboro County's sheriff position is the only way to ensure he won't manipulate the position of power and force doctors and patients to bow down to his vigilante agenda. Demand that Szabo drop out of the race for sheriff before he forfeits the law in favor of his violent Personal beliefs.

Szabo previously stated that he would not rule out the use of deadly force to prevent an abortion from taking place. He has since retracted this statement, but still maintains that he would arrest anyone involved in an elective abortion. His points completely defy the legal rights of both doctors and patients. And, his arguments, retracted or not, pose a threat to all Hillsboro County doctors trying to carry out their legal duties.

The Republican party should not endorse a sheriff candidate who jeopardizes the safety and legal rights of medical professionals. Don't support Szabo's skewed personal opinions and threats against doctors. Support sheriff candidates who can fulfill the duties of the position without dangerous and misguided political fervor.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

Do not let Szabo's beliefs destroy the credo of the Hillsboro Count Sheriff's office. Demand that Szabo drop out of the race for county sheriff as he clearly has no regard for a law if it contradicts his personal political stance.

[Your name here]
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