Giving Puppy Mills Advance Notice of Inspections Will Let Them Hide Abuse

  • van: Laura G
  • ontvanger: Bernadette Juarez, deputy administrator of animal care, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Instead of surprising puppy mills, research laboratories, zoos and other facilities with animal welfare inspections, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced a pilot program in which it will also conduct announced inspections.

Giving the operators of puppy mills and other facilities advance notice of these inspections will give them plenty of time to hide sick and dying animals, clean up dirty areas and otherwise cover up violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

According to a letter sent to these facilities in April 2018 by the deputy administrator of animal care at the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), which enforces the Animal Welfare Act, one of the benefits of announced inspections is they enable facilities to choose the "optimal hours" to be inspected. How exactly is that beneficial to the welfare of animals?

The USDA needs to continue, as it has done for decades, to only conduct surprise animal welfare inspections of puppy mills, research laboratories, zoos and other facilities. Please sign and share this petition telling the agency to cancel the announced inspections pilot program.

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