Get Presidential Candidates to Talk About Kids' Healthcare During the Final Debate

Children need a voice in this election! Nearly 9 million children are currently uninsured and an estimated 20 million do not have access to comprehensive healthcare.
With the economy taking over the headlines, how often have Presidential candidates Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain addressed children's healthcare? For example, how will they make it easier for working families to afford insurance? What will they do to make sure there are enough primary care and family doctors in the future? Will they address the massive shortages in pediatric mental health providers? And what will they do to improve access to pediatric dentists?
Be a voice for children. Sign the petition to make sure children's healthcare issues are at the forefront during the final presidential debate on October 15. Your letter will go directly to the Bob Schieffer, moderator of the next and last debate of the presidential campaigns.
Dear Mr. Bob Schieffer,
Nearly 9 million children are currently uninsured and an estimated 20 million do not have access to comprehensive healthcare. Presidential candidates Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain must address children's health care at the October 15, 2008 debate.
What is their plan to get children insured? How will they strengthen the child healthcare safety net? How will they make it easier for working families to afford insurance? What will they do to make sure there are enough primary care and family doctors in the future? How will they address disparities in healthcare? Will they address the massive shortages in pediatric mental health providers? What will they do to improve access to pediatric dentists?
I implore you to get the answers to these questions.
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