COVID-19 Left Families With Pets Reeling and Forced Them To Make Horrible Decisions, But This Could Help

As every U.S. state begins its own individual plan of reopening, the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. We do not yet have a vaccine, and although the nation was able to flatten the curve substantially, by mid-June 2020 the COVID-19 U.S. death toll approached 120,000. Partially reopening will no doubt give the economy a boost, but millions are still unemployed, left without vital income and healthcare in the middle of a pandemic and have been left unable to care for themselves and tragically, their pets. At the beginning of the outbreak, New York City launched an unprecedented resource called the COVID-19 Pet Hotline, a free call-in service that provides information and care coordination to help the city's residents look after their furry family members.

This crisis is far from over, and pets and their owners all over the country are feeling the effects. But by declaring a state of emergency, all 50 U.S. states have access to emergency funding that they would not otherwise have. Sign now if you think that every state should follow New York's lead and allocate some of their emergency funding to implement a COVID-19 pet hotline!

NYC's COVID-19 Pet Hotline supports pet owners' and animal lovers' efforts to keep their furry companions safe and happy by pooling informational resources. Often, the time and effort it takes to track down information, organizations, and resources during a crisis is a dealbreaker for folks who have lost jobs, lost childcare, are essential workers, or are stretched thin in other ways. These sweet pups, cats, and other animals are companions and family members, and we need to do everything we can to support them and their families.

When people call the hotline, they are connected with animal care experts from the comfort of their own home for free. They can also find information about where to find either subsidized or free resources like vet care, food, or temporary care or housing for animals that they cannot afford to properly keep. Animals don't have to suffer, and their owners do not have to make the horrible but humane decision to offer their sweet family members up to a shelter. Shelters are often overwhelmed after major global events -- after the 2008 economic recession, animal forfeitures spiked as folks lost jobs and homes, and donations plummeted as everyone was just scraping to get by. The more crowded and underfunded a shelter is, the more stressed the animals inside are.

The United States has spent far too much money bailing out giant corporations and neglecting families and individuals in need. Pets add so much joy and emotional support to their people, and the country should invest in keeping the sweet, furry family members safe, healthy, and at home. Sign if you want to see a COVID-19 pet hotline in every state in the U.S.!

After signing the petition, please call your state representatives and tell them why you want to see statewide support of pets in the form of a hotline.
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petitie tekenen
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