A ban on the export of livestock animals from NSW Ports to overseas countries including the export o

  • van: Joshua Agland
  • ontvanger: To the President and Members of the Legislative Council New South Wales Parliament.

We do not support the proposal for the export of live cattle from the New South Wales Port of Yamba to Indonesia. We consider that a journey of some 12 days at sea would be seriously detrimental to their welfare and well-being.
The undersigned petitioners request that the New South Wales Government legislate to amend the Prevention of Cruelty of to Animals Act 1979 to make it unlawful for livestock animals to be transported to New South Wales ports for the purposes of export to overseas countries.

We do not support the proposal for the export of live cattle from the New South Wales Port of Yamba to Indonesia. We consider that a journey of some 12 days at sea would be seriously detrimental to their welfare and well-being.
The undersigned petitioners request that the New South Wales Government legislate to amend the Prevention of Cruelty of to Animals Act 1979 to make it unlawful for livestock animals to be transported to New South Wales ports for the purposes of export to overseas countries.

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