Tell Honduras to step in and help stop shrimp farming destroying rare mangrove forests

Honduras is breaking international law, and allowing shrimp farming in mangrove forests. Already huge amounts of the rare forests, haven for marine life, have been destroyed for cheap shrimp.

Mangrove forest

This is a mangrove forest. Beautiful, and a haven for all kinds of marine and land life. Mangrove forests are one of the last marine wetlands, and are one of the fastest disappearing.

And why? For SHRIMP. Yes, they're being destroyed for cheap shrimp. Shrimp farms chop down the mangrove forests which take hundreds of years to form, and replace them with big ponds full of cheap shrimp for sale in the west.

But international law has banned this! Unfortunately some countries break the law and allow it, for a cost. Honduras is one of these countries. Please sign this petition, which will be faxed to the president, and help make Honduras step in line.

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