Say No to Sarah Palin and Her Big Oil Allies
Sarah Palin has a solution to the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico: drill more and drill now in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
Apparently Palin is missing something. ANWR is an international treasure. Caribou, moose, wolves and millions of migratory birds live in this wild place. If it were in the lower 48 states, a landscape as magnificent as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would be as revered as Yellowstone or Yosemite. It's up to us to keep this wilderness free of oil rigs and oil spills.
Say no to Sarah Palin and keep drilling rigs out of the Arctic Refuge. Send a letter to Secretary Salazar letting him know that there is no fail safe way to drill for oil, offshore or on land.
Dear Secretary Salazar,
Even as the gusher in the Gulf continues to devastate our lands and waters, the oil industry and its allies are pushing for access to America's public lands. Now, Sarah Palin and others are calling for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This sacred and beloved place has been off limits to oil development for more than 50 years. Please Mr. Salazar, don't allow the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge to be the next place for an oil spill. Not on your watch.
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