Tell the Biden campaign fight hard against Trump NOW, not later!

Trump remains the clear frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, making a Trump-Biden rematch a near certainty. 

So why aren't the Biden campaign and other Democratic officials going after Trump much, much harder? They seem to be waiting to see how the GOP primary plays out before going on the offensive, but we can't afford to wait that long. We need to blanket the airwaves with ads, fill the key states with volunteers, make the case against Trump, and act like election day is tomorrow, not a year away.

President Biden is right to be proud of his achievements, and to promote those aggressively. But if Trump is not challenged directly and hit HARD, those achievements alone will not win the day. 

The more Trump is allowed to spew his hatred and lies unchecked, the stronger his support grows. The Biden campaign needs to start going after Trump HARD – immediately! They need to call out Trump for his lies and deceit and fight back against his dangerous attacks. 

Add your name: Tell the Biden campaign to start fighting harder against Trump NOW, not later! >>

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