Justice for Leo the dog who was starved to death!

  • van: Ella V
  • ontvanger: Local prosecution service / courts / local authority

Too many evil humans getting away with animal cruelty. We need to get as many signatures as possible to send to the local authorities to ensure that this animal abuser IS JAILED!!!!

Please follow Justice4Leo on Facebook to see pictures of Leo before and after alleged owner Mason Medford starved the poor dog to death.

From Yorkshire Evening PostAlmost every bone in this dog's body was visible when he was found dead inside a suitcase in a Leeds cemetery this week. RSPCA inspectors said it was clear that Leo, a four-year-old bull terrier type dog, had suffered enormously before his death.

The national charity was called upon to investigate when Leo was found in a suitcase beneath some shrubs at Harehills Cemetery at 11.30am on Wednesday.

Inspector Sarah Mason said: "Leo's emaciated body had been crammed into a black suitcase, wrapped in a towel. He was in a shocking state with almost every bone in his body visible. The collar he had around his neck was just hanging off him. When vets weighed him he was just 11.6kg, literally a skeleton of a dog. I want to hear from anyone who recognises Leo, or can help my investigation in any way. Please call the RSPCA inspector appeal line on 0300 123 8018 and ask to leave a message for me."


Care2 says: Please sign now to demand justice for Leo. Whoever let this dog starve to death should be given prison time. 

Update #17 jaar geleden
Please follow Chelsea lampard brown on facebook to see pictures of Leo before and after Mason Medford
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