Stop Dr. Christos Kioni From Burning Chickens Alive!

Kenneth Fuller, AKA Dr. Christos Kioni, a well-known radio personality and spiritual worker based in Cocoa, FL, posted a photo on November 14, 2011 on his Facebook page, showing a ceremony where he set fire to a live rooster, immolating it atop a grave in a cemetery. This is intolerable animal torture, sociopathic behavior, and a felony in Brevard County, FL, his place of residence. Sign our petition today and stop Dr. Kioni now. 
Captain Robert Brownrobert.brown@brevardcounty.us321-633-2105

We the undersigned request that you investigate and prosecute the perpetrator of what we believe to be a heinous act of animal torture in Brevard County, FL. on November 14, 2011, Kenneth Fuller, a.k.a. Dr. Christos Kioni, a resident of Cocoa, Brevard County, FL, posted a message and a photo to his Facebook profile and Facebook page in which he described having burned a rooster alive on a grave site. The photo is of a rooster with its feet bound by tape and its feathers in flames, obviously doused with liquid fuel and set alight. Please see Brevard County law, Section 14-53, citing Florida Statutes 828.12 and 828.13 "Cruel and inhumane treatment of animals prohibited." Thanks sincerely for looking into this matter and helping to prevent future acts of animal torture.

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