Improving the Economy and Environment Go Hand in Hand

Our need to stimulate the economy is an opportunity to begin solving global warming. By making smart investments in energy generation, transportation and infrastructure, Congress can jump start our economy and make a down payment on reducing global warming pollution.

For example, the renewable energy production tax credit and investment tax credit give developers tax incentives for generating power from renewable sources. These credits should be altered to alleviate the effect that the credit crisis and economic downturn is having on the renewable energy industries.

And by investing in fuel-efficient vehicle choices, as well as low-carbon transportation alternatives such as rail, bus, bicycle, pedestrian projects and other public transportation systems, we will reduce our dependence on oil and save consumers money at the pump.

We can give our economy a healthy jump-start and fight global warming pollution, but we need clean energy investments. Please sign our petition and help urge Congress to support clean energy investments in the stimulus package.

Subject: Support clean energy investments in stimulus package

Dear Senator [Last Name],

Our need to stimulate the economy is an opportunity to begin solving global warming. In the stimulus package, please support the kinds of smart investments that will create green jobs, reduce global warming pollution, and restart the economy.

The renewable energy production tax credit and investment tax credit give developers tax incentives for generating power from renewable sources. These credits should be altered to alleviate the effect that the credit crisis and economic downturn is having on the renewable energy industries. The stimulus package should also provide the Environmental Protection Agency with $10 billion for rebates for the purchase of Energy-Star certified home appliances, windows, and other products, which will create jobs and save energy.

Investing in fuel-efficient, low-carbon transportation alternatives (such as rail, bus, bicycle, and pedestrian projects) and public transportation systems will reduce our dependence on oil and save consumers money at the pump.

[Your Comments]


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
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