Stop Violence in Pakistan

  • van:
  • ontvanger: General Pervez Musharraf, President of Pakistan

Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Photo: AFP/Getty Images.
Benazir Bhutto, PakistanÂ’s opposition leader, was assassinated at a political rally a few days before national parliamentary elections.

Ms. Bhutto was the first woman Prime Minister in an Islamic state and a leading force for democracy. Her death is a tragedy and a strong blow to the hope of having a democratic process and ending violence in Pakistan.

The current state of violence continues to put all Pakistani people at great risk!

Tell President Musharraf the world is watching. Urge him to start an investigation into Ms. BhuttoÂ’s death, and do everything in his power to protect the Pakistan people from further violence.

General Musharraf,

[Your Comments Here]

I am appalled to learn about Benezair Bhutto’s assassination. Her dead is a tragedy and a strong blow to the hope of having a democratic process and ending violence in Pakistan.

I urge you to start an investigation into Ms. Bhutto death and to bring those responsible to justice.

Please take immediate steps to put an end to violence in Pakistan. Even though you recently lifted the state of emergency, civilians in Pakistan are still at great risk.

You must restore an independent judiciary, lift restrictions on the media, conduct free elections and do everything in your power to promote long term peace and democracy in Pakistan.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

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