Bank of America: Help Your Workers or Give Back the Bailout!

  • van: SEIU
  • ontvanger: Bank of America Corporation
Taxpayers have given Bank of America $45 billion in bailout funds to help jumpstart our economy, but instead the bank has misspent on executive salaries and corporate jets.

Then Bank of America took even more money from cash-strapped states by not paying for workers' healthcare.

Bank of America should use the taxpayer-funded windfall it has already received to support a real economic recovery and provide healthcare for its workers or give the money back!
Dear Bank of America Corp.,

When taxpayers gave Bank of America Corporation a $25 billion bailout, your company was supposed to use the funds to help jumpstart the economy. To date, this has not been the case.

It's time for Bank of America to use its taxpayer-funded windfall to support a real economic recovery and provide healthcare for its 247,000 workers - or give the money back.

[Your comments here]

I also ask that Bank of America immediately take the following actions:

- Keep more than 12,000 troubled borrowers in their homes with executive bonus money.
- End the practice of unilaterally changing credit cardholder agreements.
- Sign new leases with renters who live in buildings that are being foreclosed upon.
- Commit to providing affordable healthcare to all of its employees and their dependents.
- Strictly enforce whistleblower protections to workers who report bank fraud and predatory practices.

Please choose the right course of action for your business and the U.S. economy by helping your workers using taxpayer bailout funds.
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