Pledge to support building safe communities throughout New Jersey!

Pledge to support community-centered public safety for all of New Jersey!

We need you in the movement to put our communities at the center of public safety in New Jersey.

The global pandemic opened our eyes to so many harsh realities. Chief among them is the role that social supports play in preventing violence by strengthening communities.

Newark, NJ, is a national leader in building public safety by listening to its people. In 2022, the city experienced the lowest murder and violence rates in history. This is the outcome of a massive shift towards community leading the way — determining what they need for their safety and advocating for it!

Thanks to incredible community leaders and organizations, and the vision of Mayor Ras J. Baraka driving the city's systems, Newarkers built a community-centered public safety ecosystem. This didn't just happen. This years-long journey, which continues, began with strong relationships on the ground, a powerful community vision, and political leadership and will.

A crowning moment came in 2021 when Mayor Baraka established Newark's Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery by shifting 5% of the city's public safety budget.

Today, that ecosystem is more than a thriving community; it's a blueprint for New Jersey and the nation. It's a model for investing in community members who best understand the solutions to violence.

But this movement is still young and still up against the tired but entrenched notion that policing, prosecutions, and prisons will bring safety. They don't. So we need you to help us make the next strides in public safety in New Jersey.

Sign up to support community centered-public safety in New Jersey and join the movement.
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