Keep U.S. Waters Safe and Clean!
Recent Supreme Court decisions and agency directives under the Bush Administration have narrowed federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act to exclude waters that have received protection for the past thirty years. The effect of these decisions jeopardizes up to 60 percent of America's streams, creeks and rivers as well as tens of millions of acres of wetlands.
The Clean Water Restoration Act of 2007 (H.R. 2421 / S.1870) reaffirms Congress' original intent in enacting the Clean Water Act - to protect all waters of the United States from pollution. This bi-partisan legislation was introduced by Representative James Oberstar (D-MN), John Dingell (D-MI) and Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) and is endorsed by over 450 organizations, including the conservation community, family farmers, hunters and anglers, surfers, boaters, faith communities, labor unions and environmental justice advocates.
Urge your Congressional representative to support the Clean Water Restoration Act today!
Dear [Decision-maker],
I am writing to request that you take a stand in support of clean water by voting for the Clean Water Restoration Act of 2007 (H.R. 2421) and opposing any weakening amendments to the bill.
This bill is needed to reaffirm and restore the primary objective of the original Clean Water Act: to protect all of our nation's waters from pollution and destruction.
As our elected official, we depend on you to make sure that the Clean Water Act continues to protect our communities' water from pollution. These are the waters that our kids play in, that prevent floods that support healthy fish and wildlife populations, and that supply drinking water.
The Clean Water Act will fail to fulfill its promise that all communities can have safe and healthy waters if some wetlands, streams, tributaries and other waterways are left outside its protective scope. The bottom line is you are either for clean water or not. Congress must live up to its responsibility by passing the Clean Water Restoration Act.
[Your comment here]
Please stand up for all the waters of our nation by voting for the Clean Water Restoration Act!
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