Take the Pledge - Create a Will for your family and your legacy

Your Will is not just a legal document - it's a powerful tool that brings peace of mind to you and your loved ones. By taking the time to establish a valid and up-to-date Will, along with Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care, you can protect your hard-earned assets, express your healthcare preferences, and provide clear instructions for the future.

Without a Will, the distribution of your assets is left entirely up to the province you reside in, leaving you with no say in the matter. This highlights the importance of preparing a Will to ensure your wishes are carried out.

Creating a Will is a simple way to gain peace of mind for yourself and those you leave behind.

At the Alzheimer Society, we deeply understand the challenges faced by individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. Our mission is to help those affected by dementia access the care and services they need to maintain their quality of life.

We have witnessed families' immense hardship when Wills and Powers of Attorney are not in place. It is crucial that Canadians complete a valid and up-to-date Will and Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care before any potential capacity issues arise.

While there is currently no cure for dementia, there is hope and progress in the field. By emphasizing the significance of having a valid Will and Powers of Attorney, we aim to alleviate fear, anxiety, and worry about the future. Our goal is to provide families with dignity and respect as they navigate through life and engage fully, while we continue researching a cure.

Sign the pledge to draw up your Will, for you, your family, and your legacy.

We will send you a FREE online Estate Planner and Guide package to help you get started.
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