Tell USDA: Farmers and Ranchers Need Fair Markets

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has proposed a "Fair and Competitive Livestock and Poultry Markets" rule under the Packers and Stockyards Act (PSA). This long-overdue rule clarifies what constitutes an "unfair practice" that's prohibited under the Act in an attempt to keep up with how powerful meatpackers manipulate prices and markets today.

After decades of inaction by USDA, corporate consolidation and power has exploded. Farmers and ranchers can't wait. Will you submit a comment to USDA in favor of this new rule supporting fair markets today?

USDA's proposal will:
  • Clarify that individual farmers and ranchers can bring complaints of unfair practices without needing to prove market-wide harm, and
  • Provide an enforceable framework to help clarify what is an unfair practice, including collusive, coercive, predatory, restrictive, deceitful, or exclusionary methods.

USDA's proposal is a good step forward, but there are loopholes that could be interpreted to allow packers to claim "countervailing benefits" or "valid business justifications" to continue to escape accountability.

Submit your comment: We need your help to send a clear message to USDA that they must finalize these rules and close loopholes which would shield meatpackers from accountability!
Dear Secretary Vilsack, US Department of Agriculture,

I am writing to support the Fair and Competitive Livestock and Poultry Markets Proposed Rule (Doc. No. AMS-FTPP-21-0046), and urge you to strengthen and finalize it. The Packers and Stockyards Act is clear that ranchers and livestock producers are entitled to fair treatment from meatpackers. The proposed rule is a good step forward to leveling the playing field between ranchers and feeders and the Big Four meatpackers who now control 85% of the cattle market and over 65% of the hog market by clarifying what is considered an "unfair practice" and ensuring that individual farmers and ranchers are protected by the Act.

However, I urge you to remove the proposal to allow packers to justify violations by establishing "countervailing benefits."

Thank you,
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