Join the mission to end leprosy for good

Leprosy is easily curable. But even though a wonder drug has been available for over 40 years, just 5% of leprosy cases are being treated.

And leprosy continues to be a leading cause of preventable disability.

It's an outrage that this more than 4,000-year-old disease still exists in the 21st century when we have a cure.

Early diagnosis and quick treatment are crucial. But too often the stigma surrounding leprosy, along with poor access to healthcare, prevents people getting the help and treatment they need.

Just as Jesus healed people suffering with leprosy, we must be willing to continue in His footsteps. Together, we can find and cure more people affected by leprosy and continue our long tradition of Christian care.

Be part of the generation that eradicates leprosy for good. Join the mission today.
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