Fight back against rule-breaking companies

Did you know big brands including Amazon, BT, JLR and Sony Playstation could collectively owe UK consumers billions in compensation?

Big brands like Apple, Amazon, BT, Google, JLR and Sony have been accused of stifling competition, boosting their profits or disguising problems with their products – all by using a range of illegal practices which have meant higher costs for consumers. We calculate that UK consumers could be owed £36 billion from 12 of the biggest claims, with every adult on average eligible to join 5 of these consumer claims against big brands.

It isn't always obvious when you've been ripped off by the companies you deal with, which makes it difficult to stand up to big businesses. Fortunately, Consumer Voice can help you get back money you are owed from rule-breaking businesses through group legal claims.

Group actions allow big companies to be held accountable for abusing their dominant position in the market without consumers having to foot the bill for legal action.

Sign to support taking action against rule-breaking companies who take advantage of hard-working people.
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