Stop issuing licenses for foreign hunters to hunt endangered species in Iran, and support Iranian rangers who protect the animals!

Every year the Iranian EPA issues 500 licenses to foreign hunters, many of them Americans, to hunt endangered species in Iran, big horned sheep, cheetahs and leopards, among them. What's more, many hunter tourists hunt illegally, and poach live animals, also endangered, such as Iranian falcons for sale abroad. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species include as many as 120 animals native to Iran.
President Rouhani has pledged his support for environmental initiatives such as educating communities to live cooperatively with their wild animal neighbors. He had declared support for environmental rangers whose job is to thwart poachers unlicensed hunters. But this declared support has not translated into hiring more rangers, raising wages, or protecting rangers in the courts, where several have been sentenced to death for killing poachers and illegal hunters. Mr. President, stop issuing licenses to kill endangered species. Encourage visitors to shoot with cameras, not guns. And make good on your promises to endangered animals, rangers and Iranian communities!

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary,

I ask you to stop issuing licenses to kill endangered species. Encourage visitors to shoot with cameras, not guns. And make good on your promises to endangered animals, rangers and Iranian communities!

Every year the Iranian EPA issues 500 licenses to foreign hunters, many of them Americans, to hunt endangered species in Iran, big horned sheep, cheetahs and leopards, among them. What's more, many hunter tourists hunt illegally, and poach live animals, also endangered, such as Iranian falcons for sale abroad. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species include as many as 120 animals native to Iran.

You have pledged your support for environmental initiatives such as educating communities to live cooperatively with their wild animal neighbors.  You have declared support for environmental rangers whose job is to thwart poachers unlicensed hunters. But this declared support has not translated into hiring more rangers, raising wages, or protecting rangers in the courts, where several have been sentenced to death for killing poachers and illegal hunters. 

Mr. President, protect endangered animals, and your brave rangers and Iranian communities who help these animals.

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petitie tekenen


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