Help Clear Deadly Mines: Protect Children Like Enayatullah from Hidden Explosives

9-year-old Enayatullah was playing in front of his house with his friends when they spotted something strange. It was a mine. Curious, the children moved closer to get a better look, but as they did, there was an explosion. Four children died instantly and only Enayatullah and his cousin survived. In a split second, his life was changed forever.

Enayatullah's injuries were so severe that he had to be rushed to the hospital where surgeons tried in vain to save his leg. Despite their efforts, it was too damaged, and they had to make the heartbreaking decision to amputate it.

After a gruelling month of recovery, Enayatullah was fitted with a prosthetic leg to help him learn how to walk again.

In war, many bombs do not explode on impact and remain buried in the ground leaving a deadly legacy behind.

Even after the war ends, the fear of hidden bombs prevents people from returning safely to their land. Sometimes these bombs are hidden where farmers grow their crops or in playgrounds where children play. Local people are often unaware of the dangers and are either killed or maimed as a result.

This is why clearing these weapons is crucial. In situations like these, experts safely remove these bombs after surveying the area to identify the kinds of bombs are within the ground. Sometimes, there are cluster munitions, landmines, or other dangerous remnants of war.

At Humanity & Inclusion, our teams educate local farmers, parents, and communities about the risks of unexploded bombs and teach them how to identify these threats to prevent tragedies.

But we need to do more. Tragically, over half of the world's countries are affected by unexploded bombs. Thousands of children like Enayatullah live in constant danger and urgently need expert help to make their homes safe again.

Please sign the petition to support our call for more funding for weapons clearance experts and to give children like Enayatullah a safer future.

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