COLORADO: Require all dogs and cats sold in pet stores to come from local shelters

Several thousand dogs and cats are put to death every year (17,000 in 2013) in Colorado shelters while pet stores make a huge profit from selling dogs and cats bred in puppy mills across the United States. 

We can put an end to this crisis by no longer allowing puppy mills to make money off of Colorado consumers.  We need to set an example by saying no to puppy mills. We need to clear out our shelters by only allowing pet stores to sell dogs and cats who desperately need homes. 

Phoenix, AZ, Beverly Hills, and about 60 other cities across the U.S. have all passed laws making it illegal for pet stores to sell any cats or dogs that don't come from a shelter or rescue.

Please sign this petition to urge Governor Hickenlooper and the Colorado State Legislature to follow the lead of these animal-loving cities and institute a statewide law requiring that any cat or dog sold in a pet shop come from a shelter or rescue. Just imagine how many animals we would be able to save if we had a requirement like this. And perhaps it would encourage other states to pass similar laws, or even pave the way for a federal law.

Time to put an end to puppy mills!!

Gov. Hickenlooper,

Several thousand dogs and cats are put to death every year in Colorado shelters while pet stores make a huge profit from selling dogs and cats bred in puppy mills across the United States.  We can put an end to this crisis by no longer allowing puppy mills to make money off of Colorado consumers.  We need to set an example by saying no to puppy mills. We need to clear out our shelters by only allowing pet stores to sell dogs and cats who desperately need homes. 

Thank you!

Update #19 jaar geleden
Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared this petition! Because of you we have almost 70,000 signatures so far. I am hoping to get another 30,000 before I send this to Hickenlooper. Please share if you have already signed. We can do this! NO MORE PUPPY MILLS!
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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