Save the Right Whale

  • van: SierraRise
  • ontvanger: National Marine Fisheries Service
The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered whales on the planet. After decades of being brutally slaughtered by whalers, there are only 450 of them left in the world.

The National Marine Fisheries Services admits that right whales need more protections — but without public pressure, they've been slow to turn words into actions.

Help us send 50,000 letters to the National Marine Fisheries Service this week — without us, right whales may never get the protections they so desperately need.
Dear Nicole LeBoeuf, National Marine Fisheries Service,

I'm writing to you today to request that you take urgent action and expand ocean habitat for northern right whales before it's too late.

Although the right whale has been listed as endangered since 1970, the species is making little progress toward recovery. Your agency has repeatedly stated that the species' survival is dependent on protecting every individual, concluding that the "loss of even a single individual may contribute to the extinction of the species," and that "if current trends continue, the population could go extinct in less than 200 years." As recently as 2008, NMFS stated that "the population can sustain no deaths or serious injuries due to human causes if its recovery is to be assured."

Over the past decade, your own scientists have repeatedly stated that the currently-designated right whale critical habitat is not protective enough and leaves the species vulnerable to injury and death in its most essential habitat areas. The designation of "critical habitat" is one of the fundamental mechanisms by which the ESA aims to conserve and recover imperiled species.

With fewer than 450 North Atlantic right whales left, expanding critical habitat to protect the species' key feeding and breeding areas off the Northeast coast, calving grounds off the Southeast coast, and its mid-Atlantic migration route will help prevent this rare and charismatic whale's extinction and ensure its eventual recovery. I urge you to expand the critically-needed ocean habitat for the northern right whale, before it's too late!

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