One Police Department Shot 92 Dogs in Three Years. One of the Officers Has Killed 25 By Himself!!!!

  • van: Cait Casali
  • ontvanger: Buffalo NY Police Chief of Detectives Dennis Richards (716) 851-4521

According to use of force reports requested by WGRZ-TV under the Freedom of Information Law, Buffalo Police shot 92 dogs from Jan. 1, 2011 through Sept. 2014. Seventy-three of those dogs died. Nineteen survived. To provide a comparison, Buffalo’s numbers more than triple the amount of dog shooting incidents involving police in Cincinnati, a municipality of similar size. Perhaps an even more disturbing reality is that nearly 30 percent of these dog shootings in Buffalo were carried out by one man. The unidentified officer has shot 26 dogs, killing 25 of them, in just the last three years. The New York City Police Department produces an annual discharge report, publishing its most recent version in 2012. According to those reports, the NYPD shot 72 dogs in 2011 and 2012, but fewer than 30 percent of those cases (21) resulted in fatalities. That means that in the years 2011-2012 alone, this cop has killed as many dogs as the entire NYPD! Read more at

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