The Mongo's family dog took off into their backyard while the family was enjoying a walk. Within seconds the family heard a pop and a "yip" and later found their 1-year-old Alaskan shepherd dead.
He had been struck with an arrow by a bowhunter. The man claims he thought it was a coyote and had shot Tonka mistakenly.
The fact that it is perfectly legal for someone to be within yards of your property with a lethal weapon — the same place your kids, pets or others could be having a stroll — is alarming.What's worse is the fact that New Jersey hunters and property owners who allow them on their property don't have to let their neighbors know.
The Mongos had no idea people were allowed to hunt so close to their property. Had they been aware they could have taken precautions by making sure their dog was tied up or on a leash during the season.
Please sign to require NJ Fish and Wildlife to require property owners to give their neighbors notice when hunting is taking place on their lands and help make sure something like this never happens again.