Help save the UK and Ireland's largest lake

Lough Neagh, is facing ongoing filthy pollution, from farms to animal and human waste. It's causing toxic algae to bloom, killing animals like birds, fish and even dogs.

Larger than Malta, Lough Neagh is a vital ecosystem and provides almost half of Northern Ireland's drinking water. Yet, the lake has faced environmental abuse for decades – how can this be?

Lord Shaftesbury owns the lough bed, despite community calls to bring it back into public ownership. He's failed in basic stewardship and so have government and cross-border bodies. That's why we're calling for a 5-point recovery plan for Lough Neagh.

We need your help to show Northern Ireland leaders that we demand better for Lough Neagh and all our waterways. Sign the petition in solidarity with those impacted now.
To: First Minister and Deputy First Minister,

Bring Lough Neagh into community ownership and reverse budget cuts that protect our waters.

Commit to real protection and restoration of Lough Neagh through our five point recovery plan.

Lough Neagh needs:

  • An independent environmental protection agency.

  • To be acquired by the government from Lord Shaftesbury, with community ownership and rights of nature enshrined.

  • A Citizen's Assembly.

  • Breathing space – no more factory farms, a moratorium on sand dredging and investment in sewage infrastructure.

  • Transparency - every group with an interest in Lough Neagh must declare it and every conflict of interest must be on the table.

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