Tell the EPA to Control CO2

The EPA is ready to approve a monstrous, 1,500 megawatt coal-fired power plant - without any CO2 controls - on Navajo land in New Mexico. The Desert Rock coal plant will inundate native communities with health-robbing pollutants that cause asthma and heart attacks and spew 12.7 million tons of CO2 greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year.

Desert Rock is a centerpiece of Bush-era plans to spread coal power across the land without regard for its environmental havoc. But thanks to President Obama, the EPA now must listen to what we have to say. This is the chance we all have been waiting for - to be heard!

We only have until February 23 to speak up and help build a groundswell movement in support of controlling this plant's air pollution. Tell the EPA to impose the strictest-possible CO2 controls - making it the first plant in EPA history to have such limits.
Dear Mr. Lapka,

As you reconsider the air permit for the Desert Rock Energy Facility, I strongly urge that you impose the strictest-available controls on its carbon dioxide emissions.

Without controls, the coal-fired Desert Rock plant will spew an estimated 12.7 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year, substantially increasing the global warming threat facing our planet. You can greatly ease this threat by making sure that state-of-the art controls are imposed on these emissions.

Moreover, by taking this action now, you will be setting the EPA on a course of action to regulate CO2 emissions on coal-fired power plants throughout the nation.

I urge you, seize this historic opportunity to start making our nation responsible for what we contribute to this world crisis. You have the power, you have the opportunity -- take it!

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