These Badgers Are Slaughtered By the Thousands Just to Make Shaving Brushes

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Proctor and Gamble / The Art of Shaving

Many luxury men's shaving companies tout "badger hair" bristles for their top of the line shaving brushes — but the truth about how the badger hair used for those expensive bristles is cruel and disturbing.

Most of the badger hair is sourced from China where badgers are kept in dirty, cramped cages on farms or hunted from the wild — even though they are supposed to be legally protected. Shocking undercover video from PETA shows badger farmers bludgeoning the helpless animals to knock them out before cutting their throats.

This cruelty is all for a shaving brush.

Luckily, when Proctor and Gamble — owner of high-end shaving company The Art of Shaving (AoS) — learned of the inhumane treatment the badgers endured, they vowed to stop purchasing the product. The company said they would discontinue using animal hair in their brushes — but first, they'd sell off their remaining stock of brushes, which can cost up to $250.

The Art of Shaving still sells badger bristle brushes on their site under the heading "pure brushes" — with no disclaimer about the cruelty and pain inflicted on innocent animals in order to get these items.

The Art of Shaving needs to do more. There are millions of animals, including badgers, minks, foxes, chinchillas, and rabbits, that are farmed all over the world and used for their fur. They live in horrible conditions, bred to be purposely deformed, beaten to death or sometimes even skinned alive. All so their fur can be used as coats, scarves, shawls, brushes and other products for humans.

Sign the petition to tell the Art of Shaving, and their parent company P&G, to immediately remove ALL "badger brushes" from their site and make a donation to animal rights organizations that are working to stop the cruel fur industry.

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