Don't Let it Become the Polluter Protection Agency

Steve Bannon—a man who refers to environmentalists as "greentards"—will have one of the most powerful jobs in Donald Trump's West Wing.

And Myron Ebell—the professional climate denier who applied Big Tobacco's playbook to Dirty Energy and spent decades trying to confuse Americans about the reality of global warming—is in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency's transition.

We can't let this trend continue.

The Environmental Protection Agency continues to keep our bedrock environmental protections safe. We need an EPA Administrator who is guided by science, respects America's environmental laws, and values protecting public health for everyone ahead of the lobbying agenda of special interests.

We cannot allow climate denial to infiltrate the EPA. Tell the Senate: America won't accept a climate denier in our top environmental seat. Don't confirm one.

Dear [Your Senator], 

I'm writing today to ask that you ensure the Environmental Protection Agency continues to keep our bedrock environmental protections safe.

We need an EPA Administrator who is guided by science, respects America's environmental laws, and values protecting public health for everyone ahead of the lobbying agenda of special interests.

We cannot allow climate denial to infiltrate the EPA. Nearly 7 out of 10 American voters favor the federal government taking steps to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that cause climate change. And according to Gallup, this year concern about climate change reached an eight-year high.

To truly represent all Americans, it is imperative that you respect their call for proper implementation of the Clean Air Act. Please only vote to approve an EPA Administrator who values the environmental protections that have defined America for decades.

[Your comments here]

[Your name]

Update #18 jaar geleden
Tomorrow (1/18/2017), President-elect Trump's pick to for EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt, will face the Senate for his hearing. We need to make sure his questionable ethics are a part of the conversation. Activists like you have been phoning their senators to oppose President-elect Trump's pick to run the EPA — will you join them? Make the call before it's too late: Tell your Senators to question Pruitt's hazy ethics and oppose his nomination.
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