Maximum Penalty for WV Animal Abuser

Maximum penalty sought for animal abuser who dragged and stabbed dog in WV

To Judge King:

In March of 2005, Mark Starcher was arrested for the torture of a defenseless dog (case no. 05 F 622).� The dog was found taped to the steering wheel of an abandoned SUV with patches of skin torn off and bone exposed, indicating that it had been dragged behind a vehicle.� Additionally, the dog had been stabbed in the back of the skull, possibly with a screwdriver.� Officers of the Kanawha-Charleston Humane Society believe the dog was alive when it was tortured this way, as indicated by its�swollen paws.� Such a depraved incident of torture is unlikely to be isolated, and it is additionally unlikely that Mark Starcher will not move on to abusing people.� We the undersigned�are requesting that�the maximum penalty allowed under the law is applied to this case, including three years in prison, $5000 in fines, and psychiatric evaluation.��

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