Angora Goats Are Being Abused for Fashion, But These Brands Still Use Mohair

That mohair sweater might not feel so good if you know what it took to make it.

South Africa supplies 50 percent of the world's mohair — the long, silky fibers produced by angora goats. This mohair is highly desired for its luster and sheen as well as the ability to both insulate from the cold winters and wick away moisture in the summers.

Recently, however, an undercover report has sheared bare the mohair industry for what it was. One full of animal abuse violations and needless cruelty.

The exposé revealed footage of workers "dragging goats by the horns and legs and lifting them off the floor by the tail, which could break their spines. Goat kids being shorn for the first time cried out in fear. Afterward, workers threw them across the floor."

After news broke of the widespread goat abuse, some of the world's top apparel companies have decided to stop using the fabric in their products. One of the biggest names to do so is Gap Inc.

Care2 wants other apparel giants to follow in their footsteps and take a stand against animal cruelty, inclding giants like PVH Corp. — the parent company of American classics like Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger. In the past, both brands have taken a stand against using fur in their products and now that the word is out that the mohair industry is just as cruel, we think it's time they cut the fabric from their lines as well.

Please join us in standing up for animal rights and ask PVH Corp. to require its brands to do the same. Sign the petition and ask PVH Corp. to stop using mohair in their brands.  

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