Enforce & Strengthen Animal Abuse Laws

  • van: Clair Davis
  • ontvanger: Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Canada
I would like to start a petition to inform Prime Minister Harper that the world wide public is outraged by the following example of animal abuse and that we seek both the enforcement and the strengthening of animal abuse laws. The cruelty sustained by this dog deserves more than the possibility of a fine or 6 months in jail. These light threats do nothing to disuade would be abusers. Statistics prove that violent criminals of all kinds are or were abusive to animals as children or teenagers. And as Ghandi said, you can tell a lot about a country by the way it treats its animals.
Dear Prime Minister Harper,

We urge you to make an example of the two following offenders and help to implement the maximum penalty for this and other outrageous animal abuses.

You may have heard this story already but if not you will soon enough, hopefully many times over.

"On Thursday, October 12, 2006 a trail of blood led police to two suspects who allegedly beat a family dog and dragged the animal behind a vehicle in Didsbury. The dog's injuries were so severe, a veterinarian called to the scene had to euthanize the animal on the spot.

"This was definitely, in my 10 years of policing, the most horrendous act
I've seen against an animal," said Cpl. Kevin Fischer of the RCMP in
Didsbury, 90 kilometres north of Calgary.

A couple found the female collie-Lab cross lying in the street near Ross
Ford Elementary School in the northwest corner of town early Sunday.
Their frantic phone call woke Dr. Andy Mencarelli, a veterinarian at the
Krebs clinic in Didsbury, who went to the scene.

The dog's legs were bound together with duct tape and there was a tow
rope around its neck. Its head was wrapped in a bag."There was blood
everywhere," said Mencarelli. The dog was able to lift its head, but in too
much shock to make any sound, he said.

When Mencarelli lifted the dog to the back of his truck to euthanize it, the true extent of the animal's injuries became apparent."This dog was just broken," he said, adding its neck, pelvis, back and
skull were fractured. Investigators believe the six- or seven-year-old dog endured a beating prior to being tied up and hitched to a vehicle.

"Indications are the dog was dragged behind a vehicle," Fischer said. The dog had no tags, tattoos or obvious identification, but police
officers followed a trail of blood to a local home.

Police have laid charges against two teenagers, but Fischer said Wednesday they are no closer to learning a motive for the crime.
"There is nothing, at this point," he said.

Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, of Didsbury has been charged under the
Criminal Code with injuring/endangering an animal and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. He is also charged with obstructing police.

A 17-year-old male, whose identity is protected by the Youth Criminal
Justice Act, is charged with injuring/endangering an animal and causing
unnecessary suffering to an animal.

For adult offenders, each of the animal cruelty charges has a maximum
penalty of a $2,000 fine or six months in jail -- or both.

A conviction under the province's Animal Protection Act can carry a
maximum penalty of a $20,000 fine and a lifetime ban from owning animals, but an official said no further charges are being contemplated.

"We have been notified of it and are having some followup involvement,"
said Morris Airey, the Alberta SPCA's director of enforcement. The two suspects are scheduled to appear in Didsbury provincial court on
Nov. 6."

Again, Prime Minister these two boys should be made an example of; maximum penalties employed and the young offenders age should be lowered.

Please send the message that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated.
Speak for those who can't speak for themselves. Speak for this poor dog who was absolutely defenceless.

Thank you for your time and compassion.
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