Tell President Obama: Give us Your Plan for Climate Change During the State of the Union

President Obama broke the climate silence by making climate change a major part of his second inaugural address in January.

But bringing attention to the climate crisis was just the first step. Now, we need a concrete plan on how the President will combat global warming throughout his second term. As Abraham Lincoln said, "Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find a way."

Tell President Obama to give us his plan to fight climate change during the State of the Union address on February 12th.
Mr. President,

Thank you for using the historic opportunity of your second inaugural address to break the climate silence.

However, bringing attention to the climate crisis is just the first step. Now, we need a comprehensive plan for how you will combat climate change throughout your second term.

[Your comment will be added here]

The eyes of the nation--and the world--will be on you during your State of the Union address later this month. That will be a perfect time for you to support concrete steps to halt climate change once and for all.

As we've said before, Mr. President, we'll work with you; we'll fight for climate legislation if it is proposed. Will you use your State of the Union as the next step for climate leadership? As Abraham Lincoln said, "Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find a way." Mr. President, let us find a way.
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