Protect Grizzly Bears' Habitat!

Perhaps one of the most iconic animals of the wilderness, the grizzly bear has lost an estimated 50% of its historic global range, and 98% of its habitat in the lower 48 United States. In Canada, development, roads, environmental destruction and other human impacts are threatening the habitat of species at risk, including this majestic bear.

Grizzlies need vast tracts of land to survive and thrive as a species — the home range of a male bear can be up to 2,000 square kilometers. That's why it's crucial we protect our natural spaces and the wildlife corridors that connect them.

That's where the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) comes in. In the past 50 years, NCC has helped to protect more than 2.6 million acres of ecologically significant land nationwide.

If you believe that protecting habitat for at-risk species like the grizzly is the best thing we can do to protect their future, sign our pledge. We'll let you know how you can help.
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