Tell EPA: Act Now on Global Warming Pollution

  • van: Earthjustice
  • ontvanger: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
In one of the most important environmental cases of its history, in early 2007, the Supreme Court affirmed: the Clean Air Act gives the Environmental Protection Agency the authority to fight global warming.

The EPA must act immediately and issue regulations that limit global warming pollution.
While this case (Massachusetts v. EPA) has worked its way through EPA and the courts, scientific evidence of global warming has continued to mount - so much so that the scientific debate is over. Our climate is warming, and pollution from human activities is to blame.

The path forward is clear. Tell the EPA that we can't wait any longer to begin the fight against global warming pollution.
Dear EPA,

I am writing to urge EPA to adopt, without delay, the strongest possible limits on the pollution responsible for global warming.

Achieving the pollution reductions necessary to combat global warming requires strong and immediate U.S. action. Our nation has successfully cut emissions of many pollutants since the adoption of the Clean Air Act. The Supreme Court has told EPA it has the authority under the Act to cut the emissions responsible for global warming as well.

Scientists have determined that to avoid the worst impacts of global warming we must cut global warming pollution by at least 80% by 2050. EPA's regulations should put our nation on the path to achieving this science-based imperative as its highest and most urgent priority.

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