Tell News Channels to Stop Hiring Election Deniers

After tremendous pressure from the public and its own reporters, NBC was forced to reverse its hiring of former RNC Chair and repeated election denier Ronna (Romney) McDaniel as an on-air contributor.

But there are still plenty of other election deniers appearing regularly across the cable news spectrum, and many of them are getting paid to spout their nonsense.

Add your name, and tell the news channels to stop hiring election deniers.

This isn't about differences in opinion, it's about allowing liars to spout BS that has been disproven time and time again. A news channel airing this is like a math channel featuring "experts" who insist that 2+2=17.

It's garbage, and it is an attack on our democracy and our nation, and they need to stop promoting it.

Add your name, and tell the news channels to stop hiring election deniers.

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