Demand equal COVID-19 economic support and healthcare for African Americans!

The Coronavirus pandemic has devastated Black America and will require marshalling of federal resources to help our communities recover.

Current relief efforts have left out cities with significant African American populations. Ninety-five percent of black-owned businesses have fewer than 10 employees, yet they too were shut out. And African Americans are disproportionately represented among the cases of COVID-19, yet we still don't have a plan to ensure every American who needs testing and treatment can get it free of charge.

These communities need funding to help low income families afford basic needs — food, water, housing, utilities and access to free COVID-19 testing and treatment. The millions of workers who have lost their jobs will need training to secure new employment opportunities. Public school students need access to technology and support services to learn remotely from home. And small businesses need equal access to capital and relief to ensure they can weather this storm.

The Urban League Movement has been on the front lines of responding to crises affecting communities of color for over a century. In response to the current health crisis, NUL's initiative, The Urban League Fights For You, is working with members of Congress on a bottom-up recovery plan to put sidelined workers, small businesses, and underserved communities first.

The National Urban League is fighting for our communities. But, they can't do this alone. Will you join the fight?

Sign and urge Congress to provide equal access to recovery funds to cities with significant African American populations so they can provide basic needs, employment, testing and treatment as well as relief for black communities to thrive once again.
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