People of faith and goodwill stand against the Muslim ban

The new Muslim Ban — temporarily halted in the courts — stands in contrast with our faith traditions and our American ideals of inclusion, equality, and justice.

As people of faith and goodwill, we must stand shoulder to shoulder with Muslims and refugees and do everything we can to keep it from taking effect. Together, we affirm that our communities are built on the ideals of religious freedom, respect, equity, and welcome. Welcoming Muslims and refugees with open arms and open hearts reflects and supports these ideals.

When the first Muslim and refugee ban took effect in January, thousands of protesters poured into airports and rallied in the streets. With Muslim Ban 3.0 looming, it’s time for people of faith to stand up again.

To truly build a just and equitable society we must end anti-Muslim bigotry in the United States — and prevent policies like the ban from taking hold — we must be prophetic witnesses to the world, by living into an equitable, just society that welcomes people of all faiths. Sign the petition and pledge to stand shoulder to shoulder with Muslims.
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