Brett Kavanaugh's Sexual Assault Allegation Must Be Investigated Thoroughly

In the early 1980s, a female high school student in Maryland went to a party expecting to have a good time with her friends. Unfortunately, the night took a terrifying turn after she met two boys from a nearby prep school.

While engaging with the boys, one of them tried to force himself on her. She tried to resist, but he held her down, covered her mouth to muffle her protests, and turned up the music so that nobody else at the party could hear her screams. Luckily, she was able to get away before the situation got worse — but unfortunately, her would-be rapist got away, too.

And now he's about to become a Supreme Court judge. That's right, the sexual predator in question is President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Please sign this petition demanding that the Senate delay Kavanaugh's vote until a full investigation into this sexual assault allegation is conducted.

Following Kavanaugh's nomination, the pain and trauma of the frightening night came flooding back to the survivor, now a grown woman. She recounted the experience to both her congresswoman, Anna Eshoo, and to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Despite receiving the news in July, Feinstein only now reported the news to the FBI.

Justice has been delayed for too long. A sexual assault attempt is a serious allegation that must be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. The Senate must delay Kavanaugh's vote until an investigation is complete.
Update #16 jaar geleden
Yesterday, people all over this country heard the raw, heartbreaking testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - and then the unhinged, erratic testimony of Brett Kavanaugh. Yet Republicans are still planning to push Kavanaugh through & vote for him.

That's why **TODAY WE ARE PROTESTING** at 12 noon local, all across the nation. Join at the Senate office nearest you, or call your Senator:
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