Think about this and please everyone ask yourselves at this most critical moment in not only our local but our nation's history as well this important question, why would anyone in their right mind ever want to remove or even worse destroy a statue of a "guardian angel?" The only unique one of its kind and location that has physically been standing in place as our guard for over 100 historic years and the craftsmanship and art of "THE SPIRIT OF THE CONFEDERACY" is the only monument like it that we have in all of Harris County. This awesome monument has not only stood the test of time and through all of the hurricanes and floods but like an old oak tree it has continued to help usher us all through every historic event for over a century! Now that really speaks volumes more over than just any old dusty history book will ever do! So please join with us today and please sign this important petition and help us to stop the total destruction, removal & or relocation of this priceless work of art and to also protect it along with every city of Houston and Harris County cultural heritage monuments & statues, which again includes but is not limited to our Confederate Veteran's monuments and statues. Thank you!
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