People, animals, our country and our planet are being poisoned by toxic chemicals that liter our city streets!

In today's age, everywhere you look you see liter. It's everywhere! In our yards, the streets, in the sewers, in trees and bushes, at our businesses, on farms, in the forests, in rivers, lakes and in our oceans. Today, as the population gets bigger, humans are consuming more and more, then discarding at an OBVIOUS and ALARMING rate! In the short and long run, it affects the health of every living thing on our planet. Especially plastics (of every kind-especially bags), toxic chemicals and batteries, cans, toys, metals; the list can go on and on. We can't afford to just sit back and hope that somehow it will just "go away"! With enough signatures, let's DEMAND Congress pass the "American County Clean Up Act" (ACCU Act), which will demand Congress to create a " clean up crew" in every county, in every state in America. They can create a volunteer list, utilize those ordered for community service, which will decrease overcrowded jails; They can they can work with the Department of Corrections to teach prisoners how to be a productive member of society and reduce the number of prisoners in solitary confinement; Also they can even create incentive programs that could help students earn college credits, or to help with rent or food stamps, and possibly earn rewards and prizes. Also importantly, impose harsher punishments and fines for those getting caught littering! Best of all, it won't even put a dent in their precious budget!b Please help make this possible and add your signature and set an example for the rest of the world, and help clean up our communities and our counties, and your country! Thank you! 

Justin E.Byrd -          

Update #15 jaar geleden
Every living thing on our planet is in danger from all the liter and toxic chemicals that are being tossed on the ground by everyday people. We need to join together to make Congress hold our county officials responsible to clean up our communities before a child or an animal chokes on a piece of plastic and to protect our ecosystem! Please add your signature and help make a difference!
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